
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

To Walter, Age One

Last week you turned ONE Walter, and what a darling boy you are.

Long ago, before babies were a real possibility, I dreamed up what our little baby would be like and it was you I dreamed of. You know, a physical blend of Mum and Dad, smiles, eats, sleeps when you put them in bed but maybe wakes up a few times. Simple, right?

So it only makes sense that your sister came first, with her face belonging to her alone and her mop of hair and her smarts and her ATTITUDE - just to teach me a thing or two. I will continue to marvel at her for the rest of my days, of that I'm sure. But then I got you
because I'd learned almost all I needed to know, except the one great lesson you taught me - to chill the heck out.

You are a perfect baby boy. A little physical, sure. You escaped out the back gate at ten months old, which I'd never realised was a risk before. Your climbing is phenomenal, as is the speed of your crawling. Why just yesterday, you took ten whole steps. You just don't stop, which is good for Mummy as she has a chocolate addiction and needs to keep moving.

Every day you make people smile. You are the kind of baby about whom strangers approach me in the street. "What a captivating boy," they say, because you really do have an aura of light about you.

You are a softer soul than some - yes, you once cried because a dog barked. You LOVE your Dadda and cry if he puts you down. Like, you REALLY cry. You scream. It's a thing.

Sure, you still don't "sleep through the night" every night, but let me tell you I don't mind. Because you are the sunniest little boy all day. And yes, you are pretty much ALWAYS sick but that's okay, because I like hanging at home with you and your sister anyways!

We are so excited for this next year of your growth and the adventure we are about to take together.

Love Mum xx