
Friday, March 14, 2014

Two And A Half Years

My big girl hit the two-and-a-half milestone this week, and she is just the best.

This is my favourite age so far, by far. Having a little person around to tell me all about how the world works, in her extremely educated opinion, and kiss my ouchies better and laugh at my lamest gags is pretty special. And I am trying to savour every moment as both she and I eagerly await the arrival of a new little person who is expected any minute and who will no doubt turn our lives upside down.

Looking back to even six months ago, it is hard to believe how much she has grown, changed and developed. And yet remained the same funny, headstrong, bold little person she will probably always be. I'm acutely and somewhat sadly aware that in another six months I will look back to now and be equally shocked at how much has changed. H will be a fully fledged three year old, and there will be another tiny person with whom I'm as intimately acquainted and deeply in love as her. Hard to believe.

So, here is my reminder of now - of how lovely it was to know my girl at 2.5, to spend every day with her, to enjoy so much time with just the two of us. To laugh and giggle every day, to spend at least half our time pretending to be mermaids or princesses. To high five after a successful trip to the toilet. To clean up innumerable accidents. Even to fight every single morning about getting dressed.

Times are about to change and we are going to love it. But here's to now.

Z x

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