
Sunday, December 8, 2013


We had a challenging toddler Sunday today. Funnily enough there were also so many beautiful moments where she had us in stitches and gave us giant hugs and said "I love you" unprompted. But she was in one of those moods where she was willing to fight us on every. single. thing.

Who am I kidding? She was born in that mood!

Deflated, I sat down next to J tonight and asked, "Is it me? What am I doing wrong?"

To which he replied that it's mostly her BIG personality, but I am also a bit of a softie. I really try to be strict, I honestly do, it's just my patience level is a little greater than the average person and she can push me that little farther without my noticing.

"But," he said "I did read a quote the other day that made me think of you."

It was from Alain de Botton, on Twitter.

To love a child so intermittently, it will only dare to show you its good sides. Or so loyally, it will feel safe enough to be vile. 

No matter how vile my child is I will always love her madly - and I guess she knows it. 

Z x

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