
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Baby Steps

My little boy is six months old tomorrow (sob!). He is just perfection in every way. We're all head over heels for him.

I've sort of taken the "less is more" approach to parenting when it comes to little W. Probably for a number of reasons. Firstly, I don't have a lot of time to fuss over him. Secondly, he doesn't need a lot - he is an extremely uncomplicated baby. Finally, I've tried to follow the Gerber technique of respectful parenting, albeit pretty loosely.

I came across Magda Gerber's philosophies while reading Janet Lansbury's amazing parenting blog. The blog I stumbled upon while looking for positive discipline techniques when it became obvious I had a strong minded toddler on my hands. It appealed to me not only for its respectful and gentle approach to parenting but its similarities with Montessori philosophy.

It's hard for me to articulate and explain exactly what I mean by respectful parenting but Janet explains it really well in her blog here. A huge part of it that resonated with me was allowing babies to play independently and observing them closely, as well as letting them develop and learn at their own pace. So, for example, no forcing to roll over, propping up to sitting positions, training them to stand and so forth. Letting them get there in their own time.

I don't know if it's because W is my baby, possibly my last (possibly) or because of everything I learnt the first time around, but I am completely happy to let him just BE for as long as possible. To be a tiny baby. To lay on the ground and babble. To sleep by our bed every night.

Suddenly, "milestones" are so unimportant to me. Sleeping through the night? He does, but not always. And it genuinely doesn't bother me when he wakes up. I give him a cuddle or a feed and go back to bed. Crawling? I can see that he wants to crawl, which is frustrating to him. I could prop him onto his knees, just once. But I don't, because I see the progress he is making every day to get there by himself. And how proud he, and I, will be when he does!

I have a three year old who is quite dependent, who I created by fussing over to the extreme. Through my learning and our continued involvement in Montessori education, we are getting there. But I think a combination of her personality and my early over-stimulation and over-pandering of her will mean she is always a little more needy (although still perfect, in my eyes).

So for now, we are moving forward with baby steps. One day at a time.

Z x

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