
Friday, September 19, 2014

It's Moments Like These You Need...


Yes, chocolate fixes all problems. Those who know me will know I am a total cliche. A woman who loves chocolate. Chocolate is my vice, my addiction, my kryptonite. In fact I believe chocolate is single handedly responsible for keeping me about three kilos above skinny for pretty much my entire adult life. That extra bit of chub is all down to chocolate, and it's so worth it, for I could not live without it.

These days it's a special treat for me to have chocolate with less than a 70% cocoa content. My addiction is so bad that I've had to retrain my tastes, so that anything too sugary just tastes wrong (except when I've had a few wines, and I'd do anything for a block of Cadbury peppermint...).

Anyway, my poison of choice is Lindor 70% Cocoa, and I buy a block every time I'm at the shops, at least so often that I've not yet been able to use the "Confectionary Free Check Out" (yes, this exists at my local Woolworths).

Recently I discovered a new type of Lindt chocolate block. It's "extra dark" (60% cocoa - stop the press!) and filled with something gooey that makes it, and I quote, "highly meltable". Also highly freaking amazing. See picture below, and take note as you will want to get yourself some:

To get you inspired, I've taken a leaf from Minties' book and compiled a list entitled It's Moments Like These You Need Lindor:

- Both kids are sleeping. Double fist pump! Sit down and enjoy some Lindor.
- Neither child is sleeping. Both are being loud and stressful. Hide somewhere they won't find you and enjoy some Lindor.
- Friends are over. Break out the Lindor.
- You're alone. And lonely. Let Lindor be your friend.
- Your child has just done a wee next to the potty. Break off a piece of Lindor.
- It's 7pm and your husband has just text to let you know he's still in the office...on a call...Lindor.

You get the picture. Any time is Lindor time.

*Sponsored by Lindor
**I wish!

Z x

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