
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Where I'm At

I've  been wanting to write for a while now but feeling like it's all too hard because I've left it too long. You know, like when you put off ironing and suddenly have an overflowing basket on your hands? Guilty. So I've decided to copy a few other blogs I read and give a bit of a snapshot of where I'm at right now...
Making : Two beds in my room every morning - ours and the mattress on the floor that H has been sleeping on. SIGH.
Cooking : Banana Honey Pikelets.
Drinking : Tea as always.
Reading: Sadly, Outlander. I was desperate.
Wanting: A leather jacket.
Looking: Like I need a makeover.
Playing: Shopkeepers. Again.
Wasting: Time on Instagram. I just started following celebrities…Help Me!
Sewing: Seeds of our new life - in Hong Kong! We're moving next month. 
Wishing: Relocation were not so time consuming.
Enjoying: Little W's apparent transition to one nap a day - in typical Walt fashion he has done this with no fuss and no intervention on my part, he's a treasure. 
Waiting: For him to wake up, because now I'm paranoid he's slept too long…what's wrong?!
Liking: School holidays - in PJs until 10am.
Wondering: What to buy with my Country Road Spend and Save.
Loving: Mine and H's new shared hobby - colouring!
Hoping: Both kids sleep through the night tonight…yawn.
Marvelling: At the fact that I've somehow gotten drawn in to The Kardashians. But I really enjoy it. I'm not proud. 
Needing: A sugar purge. Blerrrrgh Easter.
Smelling: The Peppermint Rock Road Easter Egg I just dug into.
Wearing: Ugg boots, boyfriend jeans and an oversize jumper. Change of season!
Following: Trends I shouldn't follow e.g. boyfriend jeans.
Noticing: Wrinkles, on myself and everyone else. Mostly because way too many people I know are now getting Botox.
Feeling: Really excited after a positive call from our Hong Kong Real Estate agent. Looking forward to this change!
Knowing: It will be hard but trying not to think about it.
Thinking: About who my favourite Kardashian is. Okay it is on in the background.
Bookmarking: Peter Walsh - Clutter Organiser. Helping me so much with my packing. 
Opening: The Country Road website…surely I need something.
Where are you at right now?
Z x

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