
Saturday, February 25, 2012


ZOMG, since having Miss H I think I have become addicted to shopping. When I say "I think" it really means "I know" and when I say shopping it just means "spending money". I think that as rewarding as parenthood is, days filled with endless nappy changes and games of peek-a-boo require some counter-fun, and my Achilles heel is burning through cash (if we're not counting wine, which we're not today, okay!?).

I rarely buy anything for myself because, let's face it, I'm still certain I'm going to look like Miranda Kerr in a few months and need a whole new wardrobe (chocolate doesn't have calories, right?). But my number one shopping weakness is baby clothes. They're so teeny and cute, and I have my very own little doll who fits and looks good in everything! Oh my! And $34.95 is soooo cheap for a top, yeah? A tiny, insignificant scrap of top...

Aaaanyway, I also spend money on useless things such as accidentally forking out $14.99 on a Top 30 Hits album that was actually karaoke (there's so much wrong with that) and constantly buying expensive organic fruits and vegetables to puree (I know right, hello earth mother!). But clothes are the real killer.

The great thing about my sickness is that Heike has a fabulous wardrobe, darlings! The other great thing is that I am suddenly so down with baby fashion. Conversations at mother's group go like this...

Someone: "I went into Cotton On kids the other day..."

Me, in typical, you're-not-getting-a-word-in fashion: "Oh Em Gee I am loving their range right now! Did you see their chambray dress? And the colour blocked denim? To Die For!!"

Or something like that...

But in all seriousness, I am kind of fussy about baby clothes. For one, I like clothes that are age appropriate. So not, for example, leopard print denim hot pants (Bardot Junior I'm looking at you). For two, I like things that are well made but not ridiculously overpriced, and in Australia that's not a balance you often find. And finally, for three I am grossly offended by anything that is lacey, frilly, has a giant bow sewn onto it, has a giant flower sewn onto it, or in any way screams "I'm a girl" in a high pitched saccharine voice. So I have to work pretty hard to spend my monies.

At the moment, I'm loving the Navaho Indian thing Seed have going on. I always LOVE their stuff but generally think it's a little pricey for babies as they grow out of it so quickly. I can imagine buying lots there when Heike is older. Anyway, the other day I decided to treat her (cough, myself) to a gorgeous little outfit from Seed, leggings and a top for a pretty reasonable $50, as seen below. Cute, right?

Now hopefully that purchase will get me through the weekend without buying something else I must go, I'm trying to win a Backstreet Boys poster on Ebay.

Z x

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