
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hahahaha I just made myself laugh so hard with the title of this post. I am essentially the antithesis of a DIY Mum, given I would at any given opportunity pay someone to do something for me rather than "Do It Myself". Other than your basic child rearing, of course.

However. Sometimes when you REALLY love that vintage look and you are REALLY fussy about what you like, there's no choice but to put on your Bunnings outfit (yes, much to my husband's amusement I have a "bunnings outfit" that I believe gives me an authentic DIY look) and get down to it.

Recently I bought an old Danish armchair, circa 1950. I've wanted one of these ever since I wanted to copy the awesome one my neighbour has. It fits in with our mid-century modern lounge room decor, and my idea was to give it a new upholstery with a prettier feel that's in keeping with my girly-vintage style. Here's the chair as I bought it:

Danish comfort
I've since contacted an upholsterer who will also take the chair apart and give it a bit of a re-furb, which I could have done myself but frankly, I'm pretty shit at DIY and I want this piece to last for a while. I'm yet to choose a fabric but my idea is that it will soon look more like this:

My Chair-spiration
Anyway, I decided I could probably fix up the aesthetics of the wood myself and spent a few hours on Sunday getting my polish on. We purchased some Gilly Stephenson's restoring poilish from, you guessed it, Bunnings, and it worked a treat.

Meanwhile, the other purpose of our Bunnings journey was our "balcony project". We have a fairly large balcony off our bedroom and since we moved in nine months ago it has been an arid, bare space that is never utilised. We hope to change that by transforming it into a tranquil sunbaking/play oasis that can be enjoyed this coming summer and for many summers to come.

Our idea (my idea which has now become "our" idea) is to lay AstroTurf on the balcony!! What a great idea, you say. TA, I know, it is an awesome idea. I'm hoping the AstroTurf combined with some cute gnome/toadstool accessories and some sleek white Adirondack chairs (purchased today, in fact) will give this space a fun 1960s feel that will influence our bedroom overhaul (yet to be begun as we keep changing our mind on decor). Anyway, I got my idea from a home improvement show but have since found some pretty rad pictures that have inspired me:

AstroTurf Atrium - 'nuff said!

I've always loved the feel of this rooftop bar on Swanston St 

Making a small space a little greener...  

Adirondack Chairs, in case you were wondering

Our project had to be postponed as there was a little too much umming and aahing over what grass to use and which chairs to buy* and we ran out of time over the weekend. BUT this weekend it will continue and hopefully we'll be getting glimpses of the finished product - so watch this space for photos and updates!

* Adirondack chairs range in price from $100 - $500 - many of the cheaper replicas are poor quality and, as these are for outdoor use, poor quality can mean no longevity. We ended up purchasing ours for $275 each from Prue Trollope in Balmain.

Z xx

Monday, September 24, 2012

What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?

Lesson number 835 in Motherhood: You will spend half your life in the kitchen, cooking for everyone but yourself.

Okay this may be a slight exaggeration and influenced by the fact that one of my favourite places to be is the kitchen anyway, but some days I do feel chained to it like a 1950s housewife. Today is one such day, chiefly because I had absolutely no food prepared for the week and spent this morning doing a big ole' grocery shop.

As you know I've been working my way through recipes from my good mate* Donna**, having purchased her annual kids mag a few months back. I'm yet to be disappointed, having just about cooked every recipe from the magazine by now.

Today I tried two new ones, Choc Banana Oat Cakes (alright yes, they are for me) and a Zucchini, Corn and Cheddar Loaf (a lunch option for Heiks). Because I love Donna SO much I will urge you to run out and buy a copy of the mag rather than posting the recipes, although I can tell you that I over beat the oat cakes/cookies a little (carried away with my Kitchen Aid, it happens) and fixed it with a bit of self raising flour and water. They turned out REALLY scrummy, evidenced by the fact I just ate two when I told myself I'd only have one. I also "sampled" the loaf (all in the name of good blogging) and it was all cheesy, zucchini-y, corny loaf goodness.

Mmm Oat Cakes...Delish!

Zucchini, Corn and Cheddar Loaf

I was also meant to make Apricot Chicken, an old faithful my Mum used to make me, but managed to come home without Apricot Nectar, which I believe is a key component of Apricot Chicken. Yes, I'm always winning at life. BUT not all was lost, because I managed to find this recipe for Orange Chicken, which has that similar Moroccan-esque sweet-savoury thing going on. Sadly I only made two serves so not enough for the whole fam as I would like to consume this with some couscous and steamed veggies, as Heiks will be tonight (lucky duck! Hubby and I eating Saturday's leftovers).

Orange Chicken, simmering away in my Le Creuset

The greatest thing about all of these recipes was that they are EASY PEASY which is in keeping with my philosophy that all cooking should be simple, fresh and delicious (this is similar to Donna Hay's "Fast, Fresh, Simple" credo, I admit).  I don't believe in over-complicating cooking with things like mortar and pestles and food processors and other such time consuming equipment, at least not when the same flavours can be achieved with some strong herbs and a bit of slow cooking.

RANDOM FUNNY PHOTO: Just thought I'd tack this on the end, Heike has been amusing us all weekend with her tendency to assume the "downward dog" position at random moments, holding it for up to five minutes if the mood strikes her. Here she is at the park yesterday stretching it out - must have been those three prenatal yoga classes I took!

Recently voted "Funniest Child Ever" by Justus and I

Z xx

* Relative term
** Hay

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ode to my Kitchen Aid

Recently my husband purchased me a truly valuable gift. A beautiful, suave, elegant machine that could even be described as a little bit sexy. It fulfils my every need and just looking at it makes me smile.

My Kitchen Aid.

I mean, I don't really have that much to say about my Kitchen Aid except for, oh, I LOVE IT. I can't actually describe my love for it in common English, but rather, like Romeo for Juliet, can only speak of it in sonnets.

*clears throat*

It's difficult to say my dear,
The love I have for you
Sitting up upon my bench top
So beautiful and blue

You are so very shiny
Your curves so very round
My heart it leaps with joy upon
Hearing your whirring sound

Cakes, cookies and sweets I love
To cook and oh, to eat
With you I make them easily
Their taste I can not beat

Superficial I may be
But I really have to say
You are oh so much prettier
Than other mixers of today

So please my love don't leave me
Or I'd be a tired old maid
Slaving over baking
Without you, My Kitchen Aid

Mine is just this shiny

Z xx

Monday, September 17, 2012

Baby Turns One!

Two days ago my little girl turned one - a fairly emotional and meaningful day for the parents as much as it is a milestone for the child. It's quite possible that I walked into Heike's room the morning of her birthday and sobbed "You're one!!!" before breaking down in tears. Quite possible indeed.

Anyway, because Justus had to be away on business on her actual birthday, we had a party two days before on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I decided to have the party at home because, well, I'm mad, and we also invited all her friends from mother's group just to further emphasize my insanity. All in all there were about 30 or so adults and 12 or so kids and I needed about 50 or so drinks afterwards.

Whenever I have any kind of celebration I like to do it right, making sure everything reflects my personal style and taste. This can make me fairly painful to be around in the lead up to any kind of event. Think screaming, hyperventilating and even the odd spot of violence (usually inflicted upon kitchen cupboards and utensils and rarely upon my husband).

My current/lifelong obsession is all things vintage with a modern twist. I put together a kind of mood board for the party using Pinterest, which I think is fantastic for this kind of thing and I'm currently using for my bedroom overhaul. When I worked out the look I wanted - girly, vintage, cutesy yet classic (try explaining this to your husband) - I set to work planning.

I bought loads of decorations on an Australian site, - their prices are reasonable, shipping is free, delivery fast and the range amazing. I also made my own bunting, which was easy to do using colored paper and twine - I used some on the cake and the rest on our front gate.

I decided to make a cake I found in this year's Donna Hay kids magazine (Annual 9). I am probably the hugest fan of Donna Hay ever (probably not ever but it sounds good) - her recipes are simple and tasty and her food is always styled beautifully. She also has a gorgeous little overpriced shop in Woollahra where you can buy gorgeous little overpriced kitchen wares (my favorite kind of wares). The "rainbow" cake was essentially a multi layer butter cake full of sprinkles, but it tasted lovely and was a hit. I made a practice cake the week before, which I recommend as I ended up cooking the cakes for around 10 minutes less than the instructions suggested.

Anyway, I thought I'd share some photos of how it turned out, taken by my lovely friend Toz. I'm bummed I didn't get any photos of the inside of the cake but it looked pretty much like it did in the magazine (ha!!). I changed the outside because I decided the ombré icing was a bit too girly and potentially risky as it flopped on the practice version.

Cups, straws and plates from - vintage place settings from local markets

My cake (and fairy cakes by my Mum!)

The kids table - flowers bought by my dear hubby on the day

Our beautiful girl x

It was a lovely day and one we will always remember and can share with Heike through stories and photographs. While I was fairly stressed in the lead up and may have exclaimed "NO MORE PARTIES!" at one point, let's face it, we'll be doing it all again next year.

Z xx

Friday, September 14, 2012

My One Year Old

Lately I've found myself overcome with absolute affection for my little girl. I'm entirely convinced that one is the loveliest age ever.

First of all there's the pointing at everything, accompanied by a little "Ohh" that makes her sound like a gossipy old woman. Then there's the constant cuddles - most frequently given to her stuffed toys but sometimes administered to the lounge, picture frames, strangers and occasionally even me.

There are kisses given to anyone and anything, including a photo of my brother with the governor and the newsreader on the Today show. There's also the language that is developing each day- most recently we've heard "up", "look" and "Klopp" (the title of one of her German books), while she still barks madly whenever she hears a dog.

Mostly, I love that she and I are communicating, whether it be through words, gestures, cuddles, sounds or the odd slap across the face (thanks Heiks!). We don't have long conversations but we do understand one another and, I think, enjoy each other's company.

One is definitely easier than newborn and from what I've heard far less frustrating than two. I'm working on appreciating the moment and I appreciate this one - spending each day with a sweet, energetic, crazy one year old girl.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sleep Transitions

My newly one year old (birthday post to come) has well and truly begun the transition from two sleeps to one. What a pain! After months of a set routine and an organized life, things have been thrown into chaos again. SIGH!

As you all know I'm a prolific googler and researcher. So from the moment Heike started taking a longer morning sleep and carrying on about her afternoon sleep, I was online looking for answers.

As it turns out (and always does when it comes to babies) there is no one answer for dealing with this "in between" time when bubs don't quite need two sleeps but aren't quite ready for one. The main strategies to try  are:

1) Wake them up from their morning nap so they'll be tired enough to take another in the afternoon: Adherents to this strategy recommend waking bub up after 30-40 minutes in the morning and giving them another sleep at around 1pm. The morning sleep will eventually be dropped and the other brought forward.

2) Force one sleep: Keep baby awake until around 11am (despite the fact they will be ridiculously tired) and put them to bed for minimum 2-2.5 hours - this approach can involve quite a bit of resettling before bub really gets what they're meant to be doing.

3) Go with the flow: Let bub have the sleep they need in the morning and, if needed, take them for a long walk or drive in the afternoon so they get another short nap in. Gradually the morning sleep will be pushed back, maybe a half hour each week, until bub only needs the one sleep a day.

Despite advocating going with the flow repeatedly, you may have noticed I'm not that great at it. I like control - order! Thus I have tried the first two methods and can tell you, for us, they've been a complete failure. Personally I found Heike just wasn't getting enough sleep, taking one 30 minute nap and another just over an hour or just taking one 1.5hr nap and then screaming in her cot for an hour. Not fun.

I decided on Saturday to just go with the flow and let Heike do what she wants to do. It's only been three days but so far, so good. Each day she's slept a minimum of two hours in the morning (today she had 2.5) and taken a short nap in the pram in the afternoon. This also works out well for me as it forces me to get outside and take a long walk each day, which should hopefully negate my current penchant for eating, um, everything (that's another post right there).

Transitions suck! Here's to having a good one nap a day baby before I know it.

Z xx

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Well well well. It appears I have been M.I.A for, let's see, FOREVER. I SUCK. There may be more talented, conscientious people than I (there are) who can travel the globe with an eleven month old and various stuffed bunnies in tow and still manage to update their blog. I, however, am a flawed being and my blog posts seem to fly out the window whenever there is even a moderately significant distraction in my life. A four week holiday led me to forget I even have a blog and instead frequently stress about foreign foods and jet lag and appropriate airplane behaviour and other things you SHOULDN'T be worried about on a holiday but of course DO when you simply must stress about SOMETHING.

SO! Welcome back, me. The past four weeks have seen my little family and I (and extended family on both sides) travel from Sydney to Hong Kong, on to Germany via Finland, take a quick Paris weekender and end up in country France for a few days. Then it was back to Sydney via Finland with a two day stopover in Bangkok. Does your head hurt yet? It should when I remind you there was an 11 month old on board. Yup. Head's hurting.

When I set out to write this post I intended to heap upon you wise words regarding traveling with a baby. But then I thought about it and realised that my own approach to traveling with a baby consisted of constantly stressing about how many clean bottles I have and breathing sighs of relief that I have such an easygoing, adaptable child.

Summer in Europe? Get naked.

I have a feeling that if my daughter were not so laid back (a trait clearly not inherited from yours truly) we could have had an entirely different trip on our hands. As it was she reacted with complete class to every hiccup and setback (again, unlike yours truly) and quickly adjusted time zones four times. She was the darling of her Aunties, the cherished plaything of her cousins and the apple of her grandparents' eyes.

What should be mentioned, however, is the ridiculous amount of ridiculous things that took place on this holiday. I'm sure I've told you all that I attract drama. I'm not drawn to it, oh no - it's drawn to me. I can see it coming and literally turn and run away but it always, ALWAYS finds me.

Let's see, first there was the Typhoon 10 (the highest level, yep) that kept us stranded in Hong Kong Airport for 21 hours. Then there was the unplanned night spent in Finland. There was the flight to Paris we missed (don't even ASK how much we paid for a new one...) and the other flight that cost us an extra $130 for a name change (Justus I'm looking at you mate).

There were the specs Justus lost (that one's on me) and then came the brand new sunglasses - gone. Heike's favourite cuddly bunny was also a casualty. Family arguments? Oh, there were heaps! Tantrums (thrown by adults)? You betcha! My parents even got scammed in Bangkok on their way home. Let's place that cherry on the cake, shall we?

Interestingly, almost all the drama of our holiday had absolutely nothing to do with our tiny tot, but rather came down to bad luck or mismanagement. Considering what a "lucky" person I am and how "great" my husband is at planning, I'd say we had it coming.

Nonetheless, a great time was had by all, particularly Madame H who would have loved to bid us adieu and spend a few more weeks I'm sure. The weather was warm, the bread amazing and the beer cheap. All in all - I'd do it again in a flash.

Swimming naked, German style

Z xx