
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Winding Down

If I had to pick my favourite month of the year, it would definitely be hard to choose between December and January. January in Sydney is a lovely, quiet month - everyone is away, school isn't back, it's hot without the February humidity and work isn't too busy. It's the beginning of a new year, full of promise.

But December, at least for me, always has a great sense of winding down. It's busy, for sure. Christmas shopping, christmas parties, last minute things to get done before the holiday period. But there's a sense of excitement, anticipation, and working towards a common goal - a big celebration and some well deserved time out.

J goes on annual leave in two weeks and it's one of those "so close but so far" scenarios. I actually sort of resent him going to work at the moment, like "AGAIN?! You have to work again?!" which is ridiculous but I'm just looking forward to him being off.

We've also taken on all sorts of ridiculous projects, chiefly him building a large and complicated cubby house in the backyard, just to put some extra pressure on ourselves! But as I said to my sister, it's nice to be frantic at this time of year so that you really feel you deserve your Christmas/New Year indulgence.

Meanwhile I'm also enjoying trying to make Christmas exciting for H, counting down with our advent calendar and making Christmas decorations. We're going to meet Santa on Friday which I think is more exciting for me than her (and certainly for little W, who I'm not sure will be impressed with Santa at all).

My mind is constantly whirling with a mental to-do list, cards, presents, gifts for teachers, party invites and RSVPs, menu planning and family catch ups. But there's a golden, sunshine-y light shimmering at the end of the tunnel that is December - the arrival of Oma from Germany, seeing my babies' faces on Christmas morning, wines with a whole host of those I love most and a little beach shack with our name on it.

Happy December!
Z x

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