
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Tiger

I was born in the Year of the Tiger. It was always something I was proud of, particularly as I was young for my year at school and all my mates were born in the Year of the Ox, which seemed entirely boring by comparison.

While I do have a fiery element to my personality I've never been much of a tiger. I'm too much of a people pleaser and hate to make people unhappy. I'm also not ferociously passionate about much, except my family of course, which may make me a tiger mother in years to come.

Little H was born in the Year of the Rabbit. Of course it's ridiculous to attribute personality traits based on a zodiac (or is it?) but so far my daughter has proven to be not much of a rabbit. She is my little tiger, a strong, fierce force to be reckoned with.

My husband can be shy, but is madly ambitious. I am outgoing but incredibly laid back. Somehow I always thought we'd produce a quiet, easygoing little girl. Not so. It seems she has gotten the more forthright elements of both our personalities - his drive and my confidence. A special combination.

She challenges us every day, but for each challenge she delights us twice. At not even two, she is one of the most independent spirits I have ever met. It sounds a little pathetic to say a toddler simply can't be told what to do, but I know her best, and I just know she'll be doing it her way for the rest of her life, not giving a stuff about what others want or think.

This won't be easy for her. People will love her, and others will find her difficult. She won't be the retiring fence-sitter who gets along with everyone. But she's clever enough to figure it out, and I'm already proud that she'll make her mark on this world.

My Mum came out to dinner with us the other night and took her off for a play with another toddler. Mum couldn't believe it;

"She was on all fours, going up to strange men and roaring at them like a tiger."

That's my girl.

Z x 

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