
Friday, July 5, 2013

The Over and Under Reactors

I am an archetype over reactor. Also known as anxious, paranoid and sometimes unstable, over reactors respond to a situation by playing the "Worst Possible Outcome" in their mind and immediately going into crisis mode, which may include tears, hyperventilation and cold sweats, and frequently involves a (generally unnecessary) trip to the emergency room.

Today I was reading a post by the lovely Mrs Woog on how she so oftenn over reacts, and did so in the case of her cat seeming under the weather, immediately forming the conclusion he'd been hit by a car.  Of course! Because that's the most logical explanation - I hear ya, sister.

Reading the comments I noticed people were firmly split into two groups - the "Yeah that is so me"'s and the "I am the opposite"'s. The over and under reactors. Which got me thinking; is it possible all people fall into one or the other category? Or are there people out there who respond completely appropriately to all manner of freak events?

Take my husband, for example. A classic under reactor. Thank GOD - I can't count the number of times he has talked me down from the edge. No, you don't have cancer. No, your parents haven't been killed in a car crash. No, I haven't noticed a weird spot/lump/mark anywhere on H's body. We're all okay.

He is fantastic in a crisis, always opting for the "stay calm, it's going to be fine" approach, regardless of the apparent severity of any incident. Blood? No problem. "A mere flesh wound" (sorry, nerdy Monty Python reference...)

Still, though, there are times when he just fails to react appropriately. Like, our child not breathing
normally is a serious thing. Having severe chest pains is serious. Me having a really bad day is very serious. GET BLOODY ANIMATED.

Which is where us over reactors come in. While we may always assume a rash is meningococcal or a graze needs stitches, sometimes there are situations in life where someone needs to take precautions. Someone needs to prepare for the "just in case" moments and be completely prepared for the worst outcome. Sometimes.

So, maybe it takes an over and under reactor to make a perfect match and live harmoniously together? I'm not sure, but I do know if I had to live with someone as anxious and over the top as myself we'd be in big trouble.

Are you an over reactor, or are you not at all fazed by life's sticky situations? Or, more likely, are you just a NORMAL person who thinks I'm over thinking things as usual?

Z x

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