
Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Ah! Life is such a cow sometimes, am I right?! Little Miss has managed to pass her deathly flu onto not only me but members of our extended family after a family event on the weekend, so we're all just dealing with that at the moment.

On Monday the two of us were home sick together and managed to lie in bed most of the day, which was sort of nice in its own way until I became convinced I was going to die and needed to go to hospital. At this point my much more rational husband had to come home and talk me down (as well as apply cool cloths to my head and feet, which helped!).

So we have been a sick little family, and hopefully dear little growing baby hasn't been affected too much - according to my doctor Mum cops it harder to shield bub, which is equal parts comforting and disappointing.

Meanwhile sickness has brought another unexpected surprise - epic, out of this world tantrums! Hooray! I am trying to remain zen about this "phase" but my own sickness and pregnancy has seen me be more of an emotional wreck than ever this week. This morning I burst into tears during tantrum, after tantrum and then later when recollecting tantrum, due to feeling helpless, relieved and guilty respectively.

We have just started the Parent Toddler Program (PTP) at our local Montessori School, so my current strategy for dealing with tantrums is to Montessori-fy the home. I have enlisted J to build a Montessori-style toy shelf (see here) and am in the process of stripping back H's cupboards so that everything is age and season appropriate, meaning she will be able to select her own outfit each day and not have a fit about whatever it is I choose.

Hopefully this is effective! I will try to update you more on our learnings and experiences at Montessori as our term continues. We have just put our names down on the school's wait list and are kind of praying to get in after a tour last week.

Okay, I am going to go and have a lay down while I can!

Z x

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