
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Summer Daze

Happy New Year to all! One thing I would like to achieve this year is to get a little more consistent with my blog, particularly improving imagery and sharing more of my life and my style visually. That said, I'm really not putting too much pressure on myself! My main goal this year is to be present - to savour my children, enjoy my relationship, observe more. I hope to spend at least one hour a day just BREATHING IN my new arrival come March.

Meanwhile, we're all in a bit of a summer daze chez W. My last post happened to coincide with J's last day at work, and since then we've done nothing but eat, drink, swim and be naked. Particularly H - to say she is obsessed with mermaids would actually be an understatement, and part of this obsession means having no top on at all times (for some reason no pants is also preferable). We've indulged this over the past few weeks because we could, but getting dressed is turning into an even bigger nightmare with this fashion-fussy child of ours.

One of the best things about a summer break is the lapse in routine. Late nights, sleep ins, fish and chips at 4pm. Doing whatever the hell you want. But after a few weeks without routine I tend to miss it. Crave it, even.

This week I've made a big poster outlining mine and H's daily routine to place in the kitchen or her room - I've yet to decide where. It's fairly flexible - play time, quiet time, meals - but gives both of us a real guide for the day and it sort of calms me down just to know there is a routine to follow. Otherwise things can start to feel out of control and I can start to question myself a bit. I've also tried to base it around the daycare routine for consistency.

I followed Tizzie Hall's routines when H was a baby and it REALLY worked for me. I love having someone else tell me what to do. I plan to use them again with this next babe and was even thinking I could slot his/her routine into H's so I can make sure she is occupied at feeding times and so forth. I'll let you know how that goes - even though I loved her routines I was always very lax with them and did things 'roughly' at the right time 'most of the time' so it could just have been that H was an easy baby!

Anyway, hopefully my first blog post of 2014 will continue to awaken me from my summer slumber.

Z x

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